The "House of Success" Mind Hack for Focus and Stress Relief

Clear out the clutter and get focused. Start by cleaning your "House of success," with this mind hack.

Have you ever thought about how various compartments in your life are either bringing you joy and energy, or depleting the hell out of your mojo.  I like to think of them as rooms of a house.


Our success is greatest when we have balance in our lives, professionally, personally, physically, spiritually, mentally, romantically. This balance means we have our energy optimized and available for our use to unleash and accelerate our success- in any arena of life.

I see each area listed above as a room in my House of Success.

When I speak, I take my audiences through a little exercise of looking at a house template with the following rooms: anxiety, depression, sleep, money, relationships, and health.

I have them color each room in if they have stress or discontent in them- on a scale of 1-10.  The room will be clean and clear if there are no issues in that area,(a...

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9 Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Follow these 9 tips and watch your productivity increase followed by business success.


We all need to hone the skill of increasing our productivity if we are serious about our success. It takes commitment to focus and to execute to be sure! I always find that regularly bringing my attention to the question of "How productive am I being?" is very helpful. Consistency is one of the biggest challenges to my success and profitability, and not having systems is one reason. When I have a system for something, I rock it more consistently. Productivity can also have a system.  What would you achieve if you had a system to be productive?  Yeowza!  Great thought.

These 9 tips I consider to be a system of sorts - for my productivity.

Note: I think they're equally important, so I'm not going to number them.

  • On Friday before closing up shop, or Monday AM - set the goals for the week and break them all into small achievable steps
  • Every morning, give yourself...
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Finding Balance In Life Between Work and Play

Finding balance in life. It's all about balance baby...balance. 

So one of the major breakthroughs I've had lately in my life is demanding of myself and finding balance in my life between the work and the play. Isn't that an interesting choice of words ("demand of myself")..actually as I wrote that it kind of startled me. Isn't that what being the creator of our lives is all about? Demanding things of ourselves.

Letting go of sabotaging thoughts and patterns, to step into the abyss of new territory, to seek excellence and the happy path.  

For me I have demanded balance in my life. This meant sometimes doing nothing but relax, when I really needed to be meeting a deadline. Magically the deadlines are always met.  

Maybe it was saying "yes" to my husband or teenage daughter when I really wanted to be catching up on work. The happiness and love I received from that choice more than powered up my catching up.  

The beautiful thing of it is that when I...

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What is a Brain Coach? Q and A

What's a Brain Coach? 

When I tell people I am a Brain Coach, I often have to answer several questions.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions...

FAQ: What does that mean?

It means I get your brain working for you and not against you.  I teach you how to work with your thoughts and your belief wiring to get your brain on board, supporting your goals, and unleashing new levels of performance, confidence, and security so you can accelerate your success.  I'm the FIRST coach anyone should hire because it's the brain that makes you able to utilize what other coaches teach you, so you can stay in action with traction and not stall out in overwhelm and self-sabotage.

FAQ: So you're like a Life Coach, right?

While working with me certainly changes your life, I'm more about mastering your thoughts, re-wiring your beliefs, and working with the mechanics of your brain to optimize yourself and your energy of success. My training is vastly different. I am an...

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Abundance and Gratitude: Hitting Your Prosperity Zone

How's your abundance and gratitude lately? Have you hit your prosperity zone?

Ever notice that when you focus on achieving a goal, you focus on all the things that you haven’t done yet, what you haven’t achieved yet, what you don’t have yet… All the things that create dissatisfaction, pressure, stress, and bummer feelings and energy?

What’s up with that?

We never celebrate our baby steps towards the goal, the daily tasks that we accomplished that are taking us ever closer and closer. No.

We just focus on our shortcomings and limitations. Especially in the arena of money, abundance and prosperity I had a real eye opener the other day and I had to chuckle.

For years I have been working on building my abundance and gratidude consciousness, and my wealth awareness. Years of studies, lots of energy healing work, hours upon hours of visualization and affirmations.  

I always focused on trying to live with wealth consciousness in order to have more...

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6 Ways Smiling Can Boost Your Business Confidence

Smiling for success. Boost your biz by boosting your business confidence. 

I’m sure you’ve heard that smiling is good for your health, but did you know it can also work wonders for your business success!? Yup, start smiling for success.

As an entrepreneur you want to portray a certain image of yourself. You want to appeal to your audience, be able to engage with them, and want them to see you as approachable.

You want to get people to feel comfortable to contact you. When people trust you, they listen to you. Being able to successfully and positively engage with both clients and other business prospects, is essential for business growth.

There are many ways to grow in your success and smiling is definitely one of them. Easy enough right?

Here are 6 ways smiling can help can help boost your business confidence.  

1. Smiling makes us more approachable – A positive disposition draws people. If you’re smiling it gives a positive impression, making...

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Money Making Games of the Mind

How to achieve financial goals faster and easier with this simple money making mind game technique...

One of the critical things we must use for our brain to change our money mindset and support our financial goals, is the visual and emotional impact of images

Take a moment to think.....What does wealth look like?

Let me help, because most clients are so stuck in struggle stories that they can't get their head out of the weeds to see possibility. It's like they don't even have receptors of what that could look like. Lets play a little money making mind game.

Read this and feel how this sits with you energetically. Do a quick body, mood scan before you read this to get a baseline. Read it slowly and really connect into the images and the feeling of what they elicit.

You travel first class, you eat in beautiful restaurants, you have gorgeous bouquets in every room of your house, your fridge is full of organic beautiful food in beautiful containers, you have someone come...

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3 Simple Steps to Increase Your Prosperity Energy

We all know about using affirmations to manifest things. Watch out.  Sometimes, instead of increasing your prosperity energy and positive mindset, they can backfire on you.

If you try to use affirmations like "I have all the money I need", "I am prosperous", "I am a money magnet", and you feel a little tightening in your gut, or your minds says, "bullshit", or you feel like you're lying, the universe only registers the vibration of that contractive energy, not the positive words.

Fear not!

There is a back door way into your mind that doesn't trigger that resistance and  unwanted vibration. That's the magic of being a "Mind Whisperer"

The way to create what you want is as simple as three things.

Step #1- Precede your affirmation with the phrase "I am in the process of..."   For example, "I am in the process of manifesting all the money I need", or "I am in the process of becoming prosperous", or "I am in the process of becoming a money magnet".

This shuts up the...

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