How to achieve a goal with the Law of Attraction and "The 60/40 rule"

The other day I was talking to a friend and she was saying how she was working really hard but wasn't too thrilled with her results. 

I asked her how much ENERGY work she was doing in relationship to the EFFORTING work. She said..."Um...none".

"Well, darlin' - you got it all switched around then!"

I went on to tell her my 60/40 rule when first starting out on a big goal. Watch the video below where I explain how I pursue a big goal and then shift the focus the further in I am.

Try this method and let me know if it makes sense and makes a difference in how your efforting works. I love to hear from you or to help you fine-tune something. You can reach me here

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How to develop new behaviors and personal attributes with a daily discipline


January is a time where we are all dialed into our New Selves.

We set goals, we dream of new habits and behaviors, and we start out all gung-ho.

In this video, I share my "Magic Frame" and how I use it to keep my brain focused on the behaviors or ways of being that I want to strengthen, develop, and embrace as I live my life.

This is a simple way to enhance and speed up your goal achievement that supports the neuroscience of creating change in ourselves. 

It is one of my favorite and most simple success strategies that is enhanced with the use of EFT.


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