Why your working harder isn't working and how to change that.


 You live in a giant field of energy. Your thoughts have a vibration that is constantly rippling out.

 Think of a pebble…or boulder…thrown into a still glassy pond.

 The pebble is a thought that doesn’t have a lot of emotional charge.

 The boulder is something that has BIG emotional charge.

 That ripple effect flavors this field and creates the ease or resistance that surrounds every action you take.

 When you are throwing boulders in of “This is hard” “I don’t have the skills” “No-body will listen to me” “I’m not good enough” I’m not worthy”…there are fucking whitecaps of struggle energy on the pond interfering with the energy behind your efforts.

 There is no sense taking action in that energy field.



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How to achieve a goal with the Law of Attraction and "The 60/40 rule"

The other day I was talking to a friend and she was saying how she was working really hard but wasn't too thrilled with her results. 

I asked her how much ENERGY work she was doing in relationship to the EFFORTING work. She said..."Um...none".

"Well, darlin' - you got it all switched around then!"

I went on to tell her my 60/40 rule when first starting out on a big goal. Watch the video below where I explain how I pursue a big goal and then shift the focus the further in I am.

Try this method and let me know if it makes sense and makes a difference in how your efforting works. I love to hear from you or to help you fine-tune something. You can reach me here

If you love this, subscribe to my Youtube Channel and make sure you hit the notifications bell to stay in action with traction with my tips and tools.

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9 Tips to Increase Your Productivity

Follow these 9 tips and watch your productivity increase followed by business success.


We all need to hone the skill of increasing our productivity if we are serious about our success. It takes commitment to focus and to execute to be sure! I always find that regularly bringing my attention to the question of "How productive am I being?" is very helpful. Consistency is one of the biggest challenges to my success and profitability, and not having systems is one reason. When I have a system for something, I rock it more consistently. Productivity can also have a system.  What would you achieve if you had a system to be productive?  Yeowza!  Great thought.

These 9 tips I consider to be a system of sorts - for my productivity.

Note: I think they're equally important, so I'm not going to number them.

  • On Friday before closing up shop, or Monday AM - set the goals for the week and break them all into small achievable steps
  • Every morning, give yourself...
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Finding Balance In Life Between Work and Play

Finding balance in life. It's all about balance baby...balance. 

So one of the major breakthroughs I've had lately in my life is demanding of myself and finding balance in my life between the work and the play. Isn't that an interesting choice of words ("demand of myself")..actually as I wrote that it kind of startled me. Isn't that what being the creator of our lives is all about? Demanding things of ourselves.

Letting go of sabotaging thoughts and patterns, to step into the abyss of new territory, to seek excellence and the happy path.  

For me I have demanded balance in my life. This meant sometimes doing nothing but relax, when I really needed to be meeting a deadline. Magically the deadlines are always met.  

Maybe it was saying "yes" to my husband or teenage daughter when I really wanted to be catching up on work. The happiness and love I received from that choice more than powered up my catching up.  

The beautiful thing of it is that when I...

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3 Steps for Productivity and Avoiding "The Cortisol Crash"

Productivity and how to avoid stress and "The Cortisol Crash"

Productivity is such a hot topic in this busy age of scrambling to make a living, to deal with all the responsibilities and distractions that are constantly bombarding us. We don't even realize how much cortisol we are always producing.

It's something we all need to consider if we are serious about our success.

The unfortunate thing is that most people's approach is to work harder and longer, which is contrary to what I teach my clients.

The pressure of that approach creates a chronic state of stress on the body and a continuous flood of cortisol - the stress hormone that wreaks havoc in our body.

It's just a matter of time until you are exhausted, drained, not sleeping, feeling like sh*t, and just burned out or worse - depressed, dealing with anxiety, or really sick.

As a brain coach for success acceleration, I'm all about getting the brain on board with our happiness, health, wealth, and success.  I'm all about the...

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6 Most Effective Steps to Making Difficult Decisions

Indecision when faced with difficult decisions, is a total mojo killer. 

When making difficult decisions it totally drains you, and wastes your time. When chronic, it creates anxiety and depression.

If you're constantly making difficult decisions but can't seem to choose, that indecision just plain squelches your self-confidence.

Many of my clients have problems with decision making, probably because it's one of my weak points. "As within, so without" kinda stuff. I'm a bright and shiny object person with a VERY active and creative mind. I have had to ramp that quality down to become a successful entrepreneur.

I have found these 6 steps to be most effective and help me immensely when faced with having to make a difficult decision.

1. First I place both options in a win-win model. When trying overcome indecision, instead of looking at all the bad "what-if's", I look at the benefits of each option. This opens my mind to what is possible, what can be gained,...

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6 Tips on How to Enjoy Work From Home and STAY Productive

Many of us enjoy work from home, but sometimes we try so hard to stay productive we end up doing more damage then good.

We try to stay focused for way longer and harder than we should. Often we think being productive is accomplishing as many different tasks as we can in too short a time frame, but is this definition of productivity actually bettering your business?

Do you enjoy it?

How do you feel staring at a computer screen, constantly writing notes or researching ALL DAY, only getting up for a drink or the toilet? 

It's draining! Not to mention totally boring. 

You've got to know how to enjoy work AND get shit done. You don't need to be mentally and physically drained at work.

These are 6 power tips on how to enjoy work, all the while staying focused and being even more productive.

1. Start by doing something for you. When you sit down to work, put on beautiful music, have fresh flowers on your desk and/or even burn some aromatherapy. This first step is to get...

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