Why your working harder isn't working and how to change that.


 You live in a giant field of energy. Your thoughts have a vibration that is constantly rippling out.

 Think of a pebble…or boulder…thrown into a still glassy pond.

 The pebble is a thought that doesn’t have a lot of emotional charge.

 The boulder is something that has BIG emotional charge.

 That ripple effect flavors this field and creates the ease or resistance that surrounds every action you take.

 When you are throwing boulders in of “This is hard” “I don’t have the skills” “No-body will listen to me” “I’m not good enough” I’m not worthy”…there are fucking whitecaps of struggle energy on the pond interfering with the energy behind your efforts.

 There is no sense taking action in that energy field.



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How to develop new behaviors and personal attributes with a daily discipline


January is a time where we are all dialed into our New Selves.

We set goals, we dream of new habits and behaviors, and we start out all gung-ho.

In this video, I share my "Magic Frame" and how I use it to keep my brain focused on the behaviors or ways of being that I want to strengthen, develop, and embrace as I live my life.

This is a simple way to enhance and speed up your goal achievement that supports the neuroscience of creating change in ourselves. 

It is one of my favorite and most simple success strategies that is enhanced with the use of EFT.


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4 Steps to Letting Go of Resentment

Letting go of resentment can be hard.

Now, if you've ever had a healing session where you released some resentment about something, you've probably experienced some initial exhaustion, then a growing lightness or vigor.

The exhaustion is because harboring negative emotions is a great strain on your body. When the strain is relieved, your body suddenly heaves a BIG sigh of relief and kind of collapses.

We don't realize how exhausting it is to carry all these burdens.

Many of my clients don't know how to access or move into a place of forgiveness, because it's so foreign a thought. So to get you started in being able to let go, I've broken it into 4 different steps.


1. Get in a quiet place. Find a spot where you won't be disturbed. This could be anywhere that works for you. For me, sometimes being outside in the woods, surrounded by nothing but trees with a nice rock to sit on, works best. Maybe you have a favorite chair inside or on your...

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Meditation for Entrepreneurial Success

Meditation is great for Entrepreneurs and boosting personal and business success.


When we are working ourselves to the bone to get to the next level of our success, it is important to take time to re-boot ourselves, our brains, our energy, and our nervous systems.

Meditation is a great way to do that.

If you are like me, that word meditation may invoke images of tortured sitting, screaming back pain, insane thoughts going around in my mind as I try to sit in "silence". I frigging hate that form of meditation. Yet all my life, being wired to worry, I have been told I need to meditate.  

When life handed me panic disorder on a seismic scale, believe me I gave meditation a whirl. I finally found what worked for me and so I share it now.  

I needed to engage my mind, not silence it, but engage it in a structured, empowering, and calming way.  

Images, aromatherapy, sound, and concepts that brought me peaceful images worked like magic. I've now taken that into my...

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Money Making Games of the Mind

How to achieve financial goals faster and easier with this simple money making mind game technique...

One of the critical things we must use for our brain to change our money mindset and support our financial goals, is the visual and emotional impact of images

Take a moment to think.....What does wealth look like?

Let me help, because most clients are so stuck in struggle stories that they can't get their head out of the weeds to see possibility. It's like they don't even have receptors of what that could look like. Lets play a little money making mind game.

Read this and feel how this sits with you energetically. Do a quick body, mood scan before you read this to get a baseline. Read it slowly and really connect into the images and the feeling of what they elicit.

You travel first class, you eat in beautiful restaurants, you have gorgeous bouquets in every room of your house, your fridge is full of organic beautiful food in beautiful containers, you have someone come...

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Enhance Visualization for Goal Achievement with Neuroscience

When visualizing, use neuroscience to engage more of your senses for goal achievement. 


We all know that visualization is a critical part of achieving our goals. Not all of us know how to amp up the experience to engage more of our brain's support. Things happen so fast for those of us who have our brains in the game.

Here are four simple way to make things even more powerful than just visualizing alone. Use some neuroscience magic and turn on more brain centers by engaging as many senses as possible.

Enhance visualization requires the senses.

1. Sound: Use one amazing piece of music that always ramps up your joy and energy. I am a composer and create my own music. One of my favorite pieces I created for a joy boost I captured during the creation process for YouTube. You can listen to it here. Using the same piece of music every time, means that you are training your brain to connect to the energy of your dreams. You're in training even when you listen to it just at...

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