6 Healthy Relationship Tips From A Success Specialist

As a Success Specialist, I help people achieve their goals in all arenas of their lives, and so often relationships are a part of their challenges.


Because being in a loving, healthy relationship is such a joyful part of my life, I wanted to address the issue of romance and working with the law of attraction.  

A huge part of my work is teaching people about how their thoughts and words are the things creating what they are experiencing. So many of us wonder why our relationships suck, when all they do is focus on what the other person doesn't do, or does do that they don't like, etc. etc.  Bambi Thompson and Hubby

I have been blessed with the perfect soul mate partner since I was 18, and so I love seeing other people find their happiness in love.  

So if you are one of the many who are less than satisfied in love, here are a 6 tips that I give my clients to create happy, healthy relationships.

  1.  Send that person love and light. Know that they are doing the best they can do with...
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Energy Benefits of Blue Solar Water

What is blue solar water?

 This week try Blue Solar Water to energize  yourself and get a little stress relief.

I have been on a rampage to drink enough water each day to really feel awesome. I came to realize that I'd been pretty much dehydrated much of the time. I know because when I drank a lot, I'd go to the bathroom all the time.

When the body is dehydrated, it's like a potted plant that's all dry. When you pour in water, it just runs out. When the soil is moist and hydrated, it stays in the pot.

So now I'm trying to drink in the range of 8 - 16 glasses of water a day. One way that's really helping me is to fill up a large container that holds 8 glasses in the AM and to always take my water from that. It helps me keep track of where I'm at in my consumption. My goal is to drink 2 of those.

Blue Solar Water 

You'll notice the 2 cobalt blue bottles on my window sill. These are the containers I use... I make Blue Solar Water which has a stronger energy field than tap water....

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11 Health Benefits of Smiling

Smiling is healthy! But why? How does smiling benefit our health? 

What happens when someone's silly and playful? Wild, wacky, and ridiculous? There's laughter of course, but there's something more. There are smiles. I'm not referring to a grimace here folks. I mean a real SMILE! A "Duchenne" Smile which gets the wrinkles at your eyes. (Look it up!) Believe it or not there are many health benefits of smiling.


These smiles are magical things! HEALING things, Just look at the list...  

  1. Smiling make us more approachable – A positive disposition draws positive people into our lives and alleviating our loneliness. That's healing.
  2. Smiling changes our mood - Smiling can trick the body into feeling lighter, despite what's happening. That's healing.
  3. Smiling is contagious - When you smile, you brighten up a room and that changes other people’s moods, and then THEY begin to smile. That's healing.
  4. Smiling releases endorphins and serotonin – When...
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What is a Brain Coach? Q and A

What's a Brain Coach? 

When I tell people I am a Brain Coach, I often have to answer several questions.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions...

FAQ: What does that mean?

It means I get your brain working for you and not against you.  I teach you how to work with your thoughts and your belief wiring to get your brain on board, supporting your goals, and unleashing new levels of performance, confidence, and security so you can accelerate your success.  I'm the FIRST coach anyone should hire because it's the brain that makes you able to utilize what other coaches teach you, so you can stay in action with traction and not stall out in overwhelm and self-sabotage.

FAQ: So you're like a Life Coach, right?

While working with me certainly changes your life, I'm more about mastering your thoughts, re-wiring your beliefs, and working with the mechanics of your brain to optimize yourself and your energy of success. My training is vastly different. I am an...

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Help for Stress-inducing Thinking with Flower Essence Therapy

Flower Essence Therapy, the"Rescue Remedy"

I teach lots of quick tools and techniques to rein in your brain and unleash your success.  Some are energetic, some are nutritional, and some are available at your health food store.Flower essences are one of my favorite quick tricks available at your health food store.

Flower Essence therapy is the use of herbal infusions that slowly erode a negative emotion or energy, simultaneously raising up and bringing in the polar opposite positive energy or emotion. (See descriptions below)

They help improve your emotional and mental state and are very powerful and effective at quickly shifting out one's attitude. They can also be used for calming and relaxation purposes.

For parents with active or fearful children, flower essence therapy can definitely help your wee ones. They work very gently and cannot be over-consumed. These essences work at a level to bring lightness and relaxation to the body. Who doesn't want more of THAT?


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4 Anxiety Relief Tips for Parents with Empty Nest Syndrome

To those parents dealing with the anxiety of Empty Nest Syndrome....you are NOT alone.

So many of us are facing the change of having our babies leave the nest- be it for kindergarten or for college.  It all brings with it the same chord-cutting discomfort. It's actually got a name - the empty nest syndrome.


I have found the following tips helpful for managing the intensity of the time.

1. Write a list of the things you are excited about for your child's new time- new friends, new skills, new activities, new stories, new challenges through which they develop their strength and character....As you write- visualize and feel the excitement of their success.

2. Write a list of the things you are excited about for yourself - skip dinner when you want to, eat whatever you want, list the books you want to read, the movies you want to watch, the new classes you want to take...it's time to be all about YOU. (This applies for the young mom too- be intentional about your hours of...

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