I hired Bambi to help me shift my feelings around money and to get ways to move out of habits and thought processes that weren't serving me or my business. Her work is heart-opening, eye-opening, thought-provoking and full of joy.Ā I now have new skills and thought patterns to guide me through the life and my business. I no longer feel like I'm trudging uphill all the time.Ā L. Ruel Flynn, Flora-ly Artisan Flower preservation

"Working with Bambi is so different than anything I've ever experienced with other coaches I've had. She shifts things energetically so that you're living at a higher vibration. I now have tools for comfort with public speaking, andĀ I feel less worked up about things; the things I feared don't have as much weight now." J. Fortin, Financial services

"Working with Bambi is amazing. It's because of her that I'm now creating a coaching business of my own! I've had a drastsic shift in my money mindset, because sheĀ gives you tools to break through all the gunk that has been holding you back from your true potential, your true happiness." L. Burke, coach

"I’ve worked with a lot of other coaches, who's approaches have been like being sprayed by a firehose.  Working with Bambi is like having someone walk up to you with a sparkle on her fingertip that touches the exact issue or blockage that needs to be transformed and having everything shift. She's spooky powerful - I have breakthroughs in my business or my challenges via emails and txts WHILE CLEARING THE ISSUE WITH HER ON THE PHONE!" B. Friest, Share the Sizzle

Talking with Bambi focuses my energies in a way that no-one else does, whether it’s my mental health, my business direction, my self-worth - she switches off my negative thinking and boosts my "positive”.  She helps me get back into momentum and creates a burst of “I can do this” as I leave behind the overwhelm.  Bambi helps me say to myself what I need to say and what I know.  She puts the motion back into "stuck" "  K. Gaskill, Ecotec

"Bambi is a master of how to work with and eliminate anxiety and other brain farts that affect the quality of life and one's success.  She teaches you how to manage your brain instead of the brain managing you with unique and powerful techniques". G. Laughton, Relationship Architect

 "Bambi has an energy that speaks directly to my core. Her intuition pinpointed what immediately helped jumpstart a renewed drive that I needed. She has helped me let go of the negative aspects and focus on the positive aspects that have propelled my business to be more successful! Since I started my work with Bambi, my health, wealth and aspirations are just FALLING into place. I am amazed at how her coaching has brought to my life the things I have been wishing for! The overall happiness that I feel on a day-to-day basis continues to pay itself forward to brighter and better things! She inspires in me all I can be and more and she can do the same for you!" S. Oliver, ACN

"Bambi teaches tools for reaching dreams/goals and overcoming life's challenges- that WORK! My loan modification, which I had been denied for six years and told was an unrealistic dream, was successfully approved after six months of working with Bambi's techniques." G. Wong

"Bambi helped me connect more to myself- the highest version of myself. Her love shows through all the time. When we started I really needed someone who believed in me, and she gave me HER belief.Ā  I got unstuck. My life is moving forward in really positive ways in so many areas of my life. I feel less afraid and more Divinely Guided." K. Baron

"I couldn't wait for my "Bambi Days"- they were the highlight of my weeks.Ā Ā Bambi takes all the shit in your head and shines the light on it so you can see what it is. Then she's got all these tools to eliminate what you don't want and highlight the stuff you DO WANT. If you've tried everything else and you've made progress butĀ  you're "not quite there yet"-- you need some Bambi in your life." S. Corso

 "Before working with Bambi, I was dissatisfied with my current job and feeling powerless to create positive changes in my life. I gained weight, became depressed, and succumbed to negative thinking. When I began working with her, I started to see results immediately. After our first session I felt incredibly hopeful and like my depression had lifted. I also received real strategies to help me in my day-to-day struggles at work, with my dealings with food, and in my relationships. Thanks to Bambi, I manifested the perfect wedding and was gifted with the perfect honeymoon trip to California. I am now on the way to launching a new company and releasing myself from my old work environment. I am empowered!"  N. Nelson, blossoming entrepreneur