4 Anxiety Relief Tips for Parents with Empty Nest Syndrome

To those parents dealing with the anxiety of Empty Nest Syndrome....you are NOT alone.

So many of us are facing the change of having our babies leave the nest- be it for kindergarten or for college.  It all brings with it the same chord-cutting discomfort. It's actually got a name - the empty nest syndrome.


I have found the following tips helpful for managing the intensity of the time.

1. Write a list of the things you are excited about for your child's new time- new friends, new skills, new activities, new stories, new challenges through which they develop their strength and character....As you write- visualize and feel the excitement of their success.

2. Write a list of the things you are excited about for yourself - skip dinner when you want to, eat whatever you want, list the books you want to read, the movies you want to watch, the new classes you want to take...it's time to be all about YOU. (This applies for the young mom too- be intentional about your hours of freedom)  As you write, feel the excitement of your self-development and pampering and the transformation it will bring.  See the new you and feel being that person.

3. Get excited about the conversations and new topics you can have as you connect with your child.  It's an opportunity to challenge them to handle their own problems that arise- don't step right in with the answer or the solution- ask them How do you feel? What would make you feel better in this situation? How might you attain that feeling? What might you do to turn things around- be crazy and creative- let it fly...in that release of outrageous answers one can also release something very deep and insightful.

4. Write out a Prayer or affirmation to say every night and every morning about what you wish for yourself and your child.  "I am so grateful that my son is now being led to his highest potential, confidence, and success.  My gratitude fills my heart and brings me peace in knowing that we are all safe, guided, and protected in all our endeavors. All good things are coming to us now". Repeat this prayer/ affirmation when fear or loneliness fills you and let the light of these words wash away all negativity.  

Visualize your child happy, healthy, successful, and fulfilled. For those of you who know you're empty nesting- If you are still having trouble with your emotions, contact me for an "Empty Nesters Relief Package". 

You'll get an hour session that includes:

  • Emotional balancing / energy healing, plus tools and strategies to continue to clear your specific concerns on your own.
  • A 30 minute tune up/ follow-up session 1 week later
  • A 30 minute session a week after that to learn how to energetically support and heal your child's emotional challenges from a distance (this is invaluable for both of you!)

3 Weeks of working with me to power up your long distance relationship without any negative attachments or draining emotions.

With the Empty Nesters Relief Package you will:

  • feel profound relief from your stress / sadness/ loneliness
  • be able to shift yourself back to inner peace and calm with techniques
  • be able to help your child feel calmer and more peaceful and empowered
  • feel more powerful despite the long distance 
  • get relief from the emotional discomfort of "cutting the umbilical cord"

Sign up for a Free Brilliant Breakthrough Strategy session and we'll talk about getting you started.  Learn more and sign up here.

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