2 books I use for stress relief and success

There's a basic practice many success-oriented people use to stay in their peak potential.  Read 10 pages of self-development every day.

 The reason is that we all know that:

  • leaders are readers
  • success requires daily stress management 
  • our inner landscape impacts our outer experience
  • our success is optimized when we are vital, healthy, happy, and energized
  • constantly adding new skillsets and mindset tools is critical to our confidence


So here are the two books I would grab if my house were burning that takes care of all those bullet points other than the Bible - my "Bibles for Sanity" if you will. 


1. Think Yourself Rich - use the power of your subconscious mind to find thru wealth by Joseph Murphy

This book has stories about people with all the common challenges in life that create stress and fear.  Joseph explains how he had his clients use a specific "scientific prayer" or affirmation statement that unleashed the person's situation and brought in all kinds of goodness.

This book is my go-to when I need to calm that diabolical icky energy of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. 

The stories remind me that I am a badass when I use my thoughts constructively and consistently focusing on the solution and desired results.


2.  Heal Your Body - the mental causes for physical illness and the metaphysical way to overcome them by Louise L. Hay

This little beauty shows me what beliefs are resonating beneath the surface and wreaking havoc with my body.

I go thru the book and write down all the negative beliefs that the ailments from my lifetime are based on and I find the pattern that is in common with so many of them.

Then I write out the theme of the positive affirmations that serve to correct the conditions and focus on those things. (I am worthy, I am safe, I flow freely with life, I love myself...)

I say that going thru the entire list of ailments and doing this work is like a lifetime of psychotherapy in a day. 

I use these two books in a variety of ways with my clients for everything from improving money situations, relationships, health, self-confidence, success acceleration.

Best of all, however, is the stress and fear relief these books provide to our souls. Life is complicated and requires quite a toolbox for graciously handling things. The fear between our ears is the killer of dreams, bodies, bank accounts, and relationships so build that toolbox every day because...

I hope you'll put these on your winter reading list, along with booking a free strategy session with me to see how leveraging neuroscience, mindset, the human energy field, and the Law of Attraction can unleash your power, confidence, and success!

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