The Prosperity Masterclass and "Energy Mastermind"


It's a masterclass, an energy healing, a game plan,and techniques for energizing prosperity and success all rolled into a 1-hour transformational experience.

Get excited for a unique experience!

This unique and powerful success acceleration workshop audio will not only educate, but transform and empower you to neutralize scarcity energy, unleash confidence, increase prosperity consciousness, and speed up your goal achievement.

This audio WILL blow your circuits around how you think and energetically vibrate about Money/ Prosperity.

If attracting more money and success with greater ease and fun is one of your desires -this energy mastermind will teach you new skills, mindset shifters, and "energy hygiene" protocols that will bring you into greater alignment for prosperity and abundance.

You will learn how to release the "Puny You" beliefs and patterns that keep you stuck in scarcity as well as these game-changing skills:

How to amplify your mojo energy when you are too depleted to muster it from your own resources.

Master some cool tricks to attract money with the Law of Attraction.

Understand how the money machine of the Universe works and how to keep it flowing money to you.

How to use a forgiveness practice to bless money and clear past "money / scarcity stories.".

How to keep your energy aligned, open, and in "receiving mode.".

When energy is intentionally cultivated, raised in frequency, and shared as a group, amazing shifts can happen beyond 1:1 work.

This opportunity is yours for a $27 investment... for your future!


Is it right for me?

Well, are you ready to:

  • Build your life from a point of power and confidence?
  • Generate powerful prosperity vibrations?
  • Achieve your goals faster and attract your success?
  • Have more energy, excitement, and motivation?
  • Have a quantum leap forward for what you are working towards?

Yes, but why should I invest the time and money in this audio if I do my affirmations and work on my goals daily?


Strong, clear, confident, forward running energy = success
Weak, murky, insecure, backward running energy = struggle

Energies running in the wrong direction are extremely common in today's stressful society. Most people are blowing fuses in their brain as a result of stress, toxicity, fear, pressure, fatigue etc. etc. etc. It scrambles our energy flow, we lose clarity, cant' focus, get fatigued, feel overwhelmed, spin our wheels, and just can't seem to "lift the veil" between us and our success.

It's frustrating as hell, because you've read every book, followed every tip, and visualized your brains out, yet that breakthrough remains elusive.

Your energies are scrambled and no matter how hard you work, you ain't gonna get the results you desire because you are fighting the flow of the river of energy in your body, and the flow is going to win every time.

It's surprisingly simple to reverse this condition, and when you do- all things start to shift.

Money begins to flow, successes begin to come faster, more frequently, and more easily.

What can you expect during the Energy Mastermind audio?

  • It's an Olympic athletes pre-gaming dream, a CEO's secret sauce, and your jet pack to where you want to go. 

  • It's true...we shift some SERIOUS energy and people see results in the hours, days, and months after this audio.

  • This is like having an energy clearing session with me, but it has the benefit of the groups energy being combined and intentionally used to power up each person's personal goals.

  • You will learn how to do a daily practice to get energy flow going in a forward direction, to align your energy for your goal achievement, and to amply your vibrational frequency on demand for peak performance.
  • You will experience an energetic clearing of stagnant energy blocks and learn how to release subconscious saboteurs  which stand in the way to your goal achievement.

  • We will finish with intentionally creating a powerful energy field to support all participants' quest for prosperity and success with a high- energy visualization process that often creates breakthroughs on the very same day!

  • You will feel energized, excited, and inspired with new ways of working with your mind and the vibration of emotion for building the energy of success and confidence.

This is a great way to jumpstart the next quantum leap in your business with the support of your subconscious mind and the Quantum realm! Whenever I do these group sessions, participants have significant breakthroughs in their lives.

Using just the Prosperity booster tips alone, one client attracted $15,000 of business within 24 hours. Another client has been able to stay in consistent action and attract new clients when previously stuck in insecurity and procrastination.


If you are ready to move out of struggle and into alignment with the abundance around you, you won't want to miss this opportunity for powerful transformation. You'll leave feeling amazingly stoked for the opportunities ahead!

Uplevel your prosperity vibe with this 1 hour audio recording
